Friday, 29 April 2011

Required Reading

A friend passed on this link and I thought it was worth passing further. It's a list of prints for sale from an exhibition called "Required Reading", a collection of limited-edition posters based on classic novels. Unfortunately, the exhibition is in Los Angeles, and I am in Melbourne, but other than that sad fact the exhibition looks truly amazing. Here are some of my favourite posters for sale:

Alyssa Nassner


Dave Perillo

Tom Whalen

Tom Whalen

I think "The War of the Worlds" is my favourite, it's also my favourite of these books. Though I will admit I haven't read all of Sherlock Holmes. Maybe I should get onto that.

Anyway, check out the website, they're quite affordable and there's lots worth buying.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

In the beginning...

...there was the word aardvark. But I suspect that that is probably irrelevant.
I just wanted to start this blog as a way of sharing images that inspire me, as well as a space for some random scribblings. For a start I thought I'd share a few images by my favourite illustrator, Mary Blair. What I love most about her images is the use of colour, though I also love the naive, childlike quality they possess too. I have four books of hers, as well as numerous images pasted around my desk. Must be my love of Disney, she did concept art for Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella and Peter Pan.
Alice in Wonderland Concept Art for Disney

From the book 'Little Verses'